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Longspine Black Urchin

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The Black Longspine Urchin is especially useful in reef aquariums because it will eat unsightly Green Hair Algae.

Behavior: The Black Longspine Urchin is also useful for controlling algae in aquariums containing aggressive fish that may eat other invertebrates. They are nocturnal and spend the night grazing while the fish sleep. When they feel threatened by a fish they will actually point their spines at the fish to protect themselves.

Venom: The Black Longspine Urchin is venomous so be careful not to get poked. The sting is similar to a bee sting.

Feeding: If no algae is present in the aquarium you may supplement the Black Longspine urchin's diet with live macro algae and dried seaweed (nori).

Tip: Don't forget about your water parameters when combating algae blooms. Water chemistry is every bit as important as a good clean-up crew.

Care Level: Easy
Reef Compatible: Yes
Diet: Herbivore
Range: Indonesia, Fiji, Caribbean
Family: Diadematidae
Water Conditions: 75-80° F; sg 1.024-1.026 (1.025 is ideal); pH 8.1-8.4 Ca 420-440 ppm, Alk 8-9.5 dKH, Mg 1260-1350, Nitrates <10ppm, Phosphates < .10ppm