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Reef Kit for Professionals

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HIREEF-2: Reef Professional Kit Version 2                                                           
HI772- dKH Alkalinity Checker                 
HI758U- Calcium Checker                        
HI774- ULR Phosphate Checker               
HI98319- Salinity/Temperature Tester   
HI774-25- Phosphate Reagent Pack         
HI70024P- Salinity Calibration Solution  
HI70436M- Deionized Water                    
The HI772 Checker HC (Handheld Colorimeter) provides a simple, accurate, and cost-effective way to measure alkalinity in degrees of carbonate hardness, commonly abbreviated as dKH. Critical to marine environments, alkalinity not only provides the carbonate ion required for calcium carbonate skeletal regeneration of coral reefs, but it also acts as a pH buffer against large changes in acidity. Designed as a more accurate alternative to chemical test kits, the HI772 provides quick, accurate results in a few easy steps.
Features at-a-glance:
Easier to use and more accurate than chemical test kits
Dedicated to a single parameter
Small size, big convenience
Ideal for: Aquaculture & Aquariums, Water Quality
The HI758U Checker HC (Handheld Colorimeter) provides a simple, accurate and cost-effective way to measure calcium. Required for the development of calcium carbonate skeletons of coral reefs, calcium is a crucial component of marine waters. Designed as a more accurate alternative to chemical test kits, the HI758U provides quick, accurate results in a few easy steps.
Features at-a-glance:
Easier to use and more accurate than chemical test kits
Dedicated to a single parameter
Small size, big convenience
Ideal for: Aquaculture, Water Quality, Environmental, Education
The HI758U Marine Calcium Checker HC® uses a 100 to 1 dilution for analysis and thus requires deionized or distilled water absent of calcium to function correctly. Calcium can be found in many freshwater sources and this any amount present in the water used at the C1 phase can cause false high readings. In addition, many hobby grade reverse osmosis deionized water systems may not adequately remove calcium. This can vary based on the types of filters used, their effectiveness and frequency of replacement. We recommend using deionized water with low conductivity or pure vapor distilled water commonly found in most pharmacies.
Never use tap water to clean your cuvettes. This is especially important for the HI758U Marine Calcium Checker as calcium is commonly present in tap water and residual amounts present in the cuvette will elevate results produced by the Checker. Our HI98703-50 Cuvette Cleaning Solution ensures the glass cuvette used for colorimetric measurements remains clean and free from imperfections.
Calcium Checker Troubleshooting Tips
Never rinse your cuvettes with tap water or saltwater
Use pure vapor distilled water from your local pharmacy at C1 phase. RODI water from home filtration units may not be suitable for this test as calcium can easily permeate through your filter membranes. 
Clean your cuvettes with distilled or deionized water absent of Calcium that is going to be used for C1 phase dilution. 
Measure out 9 ml of distilled or deionized water for C1 phase
Make sure no excess aquarium sample saltwater is on the tip of the pipette. Only administer the saltwater that is sucked into the pipette tip. 
The HI774 Checker HC (Handheld Colorimeter) provides a simple, accurate and cost effective way to measure phosphate from 0.00 to 0.90 ppm. Phosphorus is an important parameter to measure in aquaculture and aquariums; levels that are too high can lead to extensive algae growth, depleted dissolved oxygen levels, and ultimately can be fatal to many types of fish and aquatic life. Designed as a more accurate alternative to chemical test kits, the HI774 provides quick, accurate results in a few easy steps.
Features at-a-glance:
Easier to use and more accurate than chemical test kits
Dedicated to a single parameter
Small size, big convenience
Ideal for: Aquariums, Environmental, Aquaculture, Water Quality
The HI98319 Marine Salinity Tester measures conductivity (EC) to determine the salinity of natural and artificial seawater. Within seconds, the salinity and temperature are digitally displayed on the LCD.
Better Features for Better Testing
An onscreen stability indicator ensures the highest level of confidence in your results. The selectable auto-off feature prolongs battery life for peace-of-mind and energy savings if the meter is accidentally left on.
Pocket Sized
The compact size makes the HI98319 Marine Salinity Tester ideal for on-the-go testing. The multilevel LCD display provides at-a-glance salinity and temperature readings from any angle while dual button operation streamlines the testing process for any user.
Long Battery Life
The included CR2032 Li-ion battery provides up to 100 hours of continuous use. The battery icon will blink to let you know it is time to change the battery so you never miss a measurement.
Graphite Sensors
Unlike stainless steel sensors, graphite sensors reduces polarization effects and does not oxidize for more reliable and accurate readings.
Durable Casing
Designed to withstand the knocks, drops, and spills of real life, the waterproof body ensures top performance in any environment. These meters are totally protected against dust and water intrusion from any direction. 
Integrated Temperature Probe
Conductivity measurements are very sensitive to temperature variations. HI98319 has an exposed temperature sensor to ensure fast, accurately compensated readings even during sudden temperature fluctuations.
We believe that buying a tester should be simple. Your HI98319 Marine Salinity Tester is equipped with everything you need for successful testing right out of the box.
35.00 ppt Calibration Standard Sachet Solution (4)
When performing a calibration it is important that the correct buffers are used. We include some starter buffer to get you going. The single-use sachets are individually sealed so you use fresh buffer each time you calibrate.  
Protective Case
Your tester comes with a complimentary carrying case to keep your tester safe from potential drops or bumps when not in use. 
The HI774-25 are high-quality reagents that are pre-measured, allowing for users to achieve fast and accurate measurements with their Phosphate Ultra Low Range Checker® HC. These reagents follow the Ascorbic Acid Method in which the reaction between phosphorus and reagents causes a blue tint in the sample. By simply adding the packet of HI774-25 reagent to the sample, the reaction will take place and the HI774 will determine the concentration from the color that is produced. The results will be displayed in ppb of phosphorus. These reagents are designed to be used with samples that have an expected range of 0.00 to 0.90 ppm phosphate.
HI70024P is a premium quality 35.00 ppt salinity calibration solution that is NIST traceable and contained in portable single-use sachets. Each sachet has the lot number and expiration date stamped on it and is made of light block foil ensuring freshness each time one is opened. Hanna’s line of calibration solutions have been specially formulated to have an expiration of 5 years from the date of manufacture for an unopened sachet. The HI70024P is for 25 sachets containing 20 mL of solution.
35.00 ppt @ 25°C salinity value.
Temperature chart of the actual ppt value at various temperatures printed on each sachet
Convenient packaging for one time use
The HI70436M is deionized water for your research needs.
Air-tight seal to ensure the quality of the solution.
Marked with lot number and expiration date.

Reef Kit for Professionals

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