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Trace Base Calcium 1000mL

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Increase your reef tanks Calcium without increasing other compounds or elements with ultra-pure Triton additives.


The Triton System is based on accurate ICP-OES Testing that tells you exactly how much of any element may be in your aquarium allowing you to keep a healthy, sustainable reef ecosystem. Triton's testing and dosing recommendations are based on natural sea water level concentrations of elements and compounds. If you have a tank with sensitive SPS or easy to care for soft corals, matching the levels in your aquarium to what can be found in the ocean will give you the best possible result for success. 

Using the Triton method relies on keeping your reef tank as stable as possible while mimicking natural sea water conditions by following three simple steps;

  • Test - Just sign up on triton-lab.de and create your own aquarium profile. After purchasing a test kit, register the barcode number to your tanks profile, fill the sample tube, and send it in. 
  • Review - After the test is complete log-in to your tanks profile and review the concentrations compared to Triton's recommended set points.
  • Fix - Any issues in the report will be Red indicating a problem. By clicking on the Help and Dose tabs, they will advise how to correct the problem along with the solution and volume needed to be dosed. 


Instructions: By using Triton ICP-OES testing you will be able to know which elements are low or high, and with the dose report that comes with the test results, you will know exactly how much Trace Base Calcium to add.  


Want to learn more about the Triton System?

A Guide to the Triton Method - This guide was made to give you the necessary information on how to use the Triton Method. 

Triton Method Beginners Guide - A high-level overview of what the Triton system is and how to implement it. 

The Triton Method Full Guide - The full guide for how to set up an aquarium system for the Triton Method with the science and principles behind it.

The Unofficial Triton Method For Dummies - A guide by hobbyist focused on simplifying the Triton Method

Trace Base Calcium 1000mL

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